Thursday, October 15

Stranded Glory


Wearing: KD ripped shirt, Francesca Mambrini shoes, Cotton On bangles

Ballet. Hmmm... I have always wanted to be a ballerina when I was young.  I am half convinced that the reason I am so not girly is because of the lack of girly expression when I was younger.  Hence, when the opportunity presented itself, I jumped at a chance to do ballet. 

And I did, at 9 am this morning. 



It was so painful!! I feel like I am older and unable to do anything remomtely flexible.  My legs feel like jelly.  But despite all, it's living proof that beautiful things take hard work!



I always thought that the world comes to an end when I don't get what I want... but it turns out that good things.. happen to good people.

Remember to check out Calendar Personalities today, it's my day.