Yes, I have a new phone, the new HTC Desire Z. It's brilliant on so many different levels.
This week has been long on so many levels. Have a bit of back blogging to do.
I have graduated to this hair-style and the odd thing is... I can't seem to step out of the house with it down again. Think it's reaching that awkward length of not too short, not too long. Ahhh... the problem of short hair.
对的, 我有新电话, 新的HTC Desire Z. 它在不同层面上都很棒.
这个礼拜在不同层面上很漫长. 要写一点之前发生的事.
我做了这样的发型奇怪的是... 我好像不能不绑起来上街了. 感觉头发好像到了不长不短尴尬的阶段. 啊... 短发的烦恼.