Friday, April 9

Grocery shopping & Dim Sum

Wearing: Zara long sleeve, Be Present shorts, Alley-oop overcoat, ras platform boots, Prada backpack
穿着:Zara长袖,Be Present短裤,Alley-oop 外套,ras发糕鞋,Prada背包

First day in a long time that I actually spent the whole day outdoors, awesome.  Went for dim sum for like 3 hours, went grocery shopping for 2 and IKEA for 2.  No idea how I was able to spend so much time doing those things... Guess it's nice when you have good company.  This jacket I am wearing, it's so Harry Potter I love it.  Tried wearing only under eye liner to make the look a bit more day-friendly, worked really well!


- I think I really love the nude nail combination with gold...
- Rows and rows of frogs and bunnies. Super cute.
-Backpacks are my newest obsession.  They are so easy to use and you have two free hands.
-Yummy candy I always have in my bag along with some chocolate.
-Megan's funny face photo.
-After I took a photo of her, she took a photo of me.  She is only 2 so I think she did a pretty good job.
-Fresh wasabi... yum.
-Many of you asked what camera I use, here you go.

- 我想我真得很爱裸色和金色的指甲配搭。。。
- 一排又一排的青蛙和兔子。超可爱。
- 背包是我最近迷上的东西。很方便,而且可以空出两只手。
- 常在我的包里有巧克力和这些好吃的糖果。
- Megan的鬼脸照片。
- 我帮她拍了照片,她又帮我拍一张。我觉得只有两岁的她拍得很不错。
- 新鲜的芥末。。。好吃。
- 很多人问我用什么型号的相机,这个就是了。

xx missing you still.

xx 还在想你.