Wednesday, April 21

Forest Bird

Forest Bird is this lovely store opened by an interviewee turned friend, Ulrike.  It's a concept store which screams sophistication, understated glamor and fun things with a style.  Located in the heart of Central, it's like a shopper's paradise all in one, 3 floors of it.  See me and Ulrike sitting in the cafe section discussing fashion and her store?
Forest Bird是一家从以前访问认识的朋友,Ulrike,开的商店。那是一家混合了轻描淡写的魅力和好玩有风格的东西的概念商店。店在中环的中心,好像一个购物者的天堂,总共有三层楼。看到我和Ulrike坐在咖啡厅的区域研究时装和她的商店吗?

Decorating the wooden planks in the interior where cute trinkets from Japan hang on the stucture and on the opposite wall different unique novelty items from around the world.  On the lowest floor, clothes.... wonderful clothes.  Some brands like Bruno Pieters (Antwerp), Mongrels in Common (Berlin) and Sea (New York).
用木板装饰店的内墙,吊着从日本买的可爱的小装饰品,还有从世界各地来的特别的新颖的东西在对面的墙上。最下面的那层,衣服。。。一流的衣服。有一些品牌好像Bruno Pieters(安特卫普),Mongrels in Common(柏林)和Sea(纽约)。

-This really cute evolution ape pin I would probably want to wear as a necklace.
- Me resting after some walking, super comfy chairs.
-I want that peeing cup to drink some apple juice.
-My favorite collection of the lot, Bruno Pieters (Antwerp).  Lovely cutting and colors.
- Me and Ulrike checking out sizes.
- My selection of clothes I picked for shooting.

- 这超可爱的进化猿别针,我可能会想用来当项链。
- 走了一会以后的我在休息,非常舒适的椅子。
- 我想用这个小便杯子来喝苹果汁。
- 我最喜欢的系列,Bruno Pieters(安特卫普)。可爱的剪裁和颜色。
- 我和Ulrike在检查尺码。
- 我选了拍摄用的衣服。

Forest Bird- 39 Staunton Street, Central

Forest Bird- 中环士丹顿街39