Monday, December 7

Walking in my shoes

Wearing: 2% x Wonder Woman leather Jacket, AGATHA jewelry, Armani Exchange top, Fendi purse, Converse shoes, Zara cut-off gloves, Playboy bikini top

These white Converse shoes and I have a lot of history.  I go through phases where I throw away shoes I don't think I would ever wear ago, so many come and many go.  Yet, this is one pair I have refused to discard and has stayed with me for years.  The reason being that it's walked to many places with me.  We went to Beijing, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and uncountable countries together.  We walked away from bad relationships and horrible boyfriends together.  We danced the nights away in the dancing room.  We moved from one house to the next together. 

I am a sentimental person and some things mean a lot to me.  Same as some people.  But it's baffling how some inanimate objects are more reliable than people.  My Converse never question me about my actions, doubt my abilities or run away from me when times are hard.  But people do.  People run when they sense emotional involvement.  They hide when unconditional help is required.  They step down when the challenge requires one to step up. 

It's these little things which constantly disappoint me, making me lose just a little bit more faith in human kind.  Good thing is, I get proven wrong.  Sometimes, not all the time.  And when it happens, I embrace the facts and adapt my mindset a little bit, one thought at a time. 

I will never understand what people think when they question me of my motives.  Because while my motives may not be the best, I am always honest and forthcoming.  It's my hope that my motives will always go noticed and recognized.  Awareness is the first step to the progression of adaptation. 


Heel Candies- One for you, One for me! competition is on till December 20th!
A chance to win a pair of shoes and Jonathan Aston tights from Valencia

Click here for more details.